It is hard to argue that the Republicans are better at “national politics”. Historically, there is some support that Republicans are better at state politics. But that was not the focus of your article.
With regard to the other avenues of political power. The Democrats do an amazing job of mobilizing the media. Every day, the “talking points” of the DNC are repeated virtually word for word from every liberal media outlet. One of the games Republicans play, is to create videos of how many media outlets use the exact same phrasing of a political message. Imagine winning an election and never leaving your basement in this day and age because the “machine” wins the election for you.
The relationship between the teachers’ unions and the DNC has served Democrats well, helping to push Democratic ideology to the next generation of voters against the wishes of their parents. Republicans have been asleep at the switch and only now are waking up. Democrats are great at the “long game”. Covid and online learning, provided parents access to what was being taught and they were shocked.
The Republicans got totally outmaneuvered in 2020 with a host of liberalized voting laws put in place during Covid. These voting laws played heavily in favor of Democrats since Democratic voters reside disproportionately in urban areas where vote harvesting by campaign workers is far more effective than in rural areas.
Why did millions of voters that never cared about voting, suddenly vote? Mind you, I do think voting is a good thing, but having someone knock on your door and “help” you fill out your ballot and then “mail” if for you, is a bit much. But more and more emerging studies are showing how campaign workers collected ballots and “mailed” them in… hard to think those ballots were just waiting to be picked up.
With hundreds of millions of dollars spent by billionaires like Soros, Zuckerberg, and Bloomberg, there simply was no way Republicans could match the spending. We saw this same thing happen in California in 2018, when Democrats caught Republicans sleeping and literally harvested Congressional seats that had been solidly Republican (the Republicans are learning and in 2020 they took a few seats back, but the damage has been done).
If you feel your Supreme Court example was a bad example, okay. But it does represent the one area where Republicans were able to outmaneuver Democrats and ensure a “Constitutional” Supreme Court for a while rather than an activist one. This will put some constraints on Democrats, hence their desire to “pack the court”.
But your suggestion that the will of the majority is being defied is exactly what the Supreme Court is supposed to do when something is “unconstitutional”.
I do think the Democrats and more accurately the Progressives within the Democratic party have overplayed their hand. America is a slightly right of center country as evidenced by the lack of popular support for so many of Biden’s progressive policies even with the media and teachers’ unions trying to persuade voters of the merits of those policies do not sit well with working people. But that has nothing to do with Republicans outmaneuvering Democrats, but rather the DNC not listening to its constituents.