Interesting piece, but underlying your presumptions is the idea that people are robots and incapable of "changing their stars". As an employer, I was always short of good people. Good people are not defined by "skin color" or in many instances "education" (in some cases, like being a doctor or lawyer... education is an essential, but in many cases it is not).
Good people are people you can depend on as employer. That you can trust to look after the interests of the company. I realized that when I was 10 years old and a friend asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up.
My response was and I can still remember it (which is weird because I don't remember much of what I said as a 10 year old) was, the world will always need someone who is good with numbers and is honest and trustworthy... and I can be those things. I am retired today, and I had a great career and by most measures I have been very successful financially. I started my career as a CPA and finished it as the CEO of several health care companies, where investors "trusted" to manage their business investment.
People who defeat themselves by believing they are victims are their own worst enemies. My wife is Asian and after being a stay at home mom most of my career, I encouraged her to start her own business managing property investments for others. She loved houses and she was hardworking and trustworthy.
In just a few years, her business has grown dramatically and produces a great income. Her language skills are not the best but her organization skills are out of this world. And her work ethic amazing. While everyone talks about racism towards Chinese because of Covid, she is having the best year since she started the business. She has 28 investors that not only trust her to manage their real estate investments but has her as a "signer" on their business checking accounts.
Anyone thinking their skin color is holding them back is wrong. If you can be trusted and you are a hard worker, someone out there is looking for you and wants to give you a great deal of responsibility and share with you the wealth you help to create. It really is that simple. A ten old figured it out 55 years ago.
Finally, on the general issue of wealth and opportunity, it should be noted that many ethnic groups including ones that trace their roots to Africa have enjoyed greater economic success than the median white person. If our country were really all about white privilege" that would not happen. The single biggest advantage most white people do have is that they don't put themselves in a "victim" box.
I have five African American grandchildren as most people would define them. But they are being raised to think of themselves as "biracial". Ask them and they won't say they are African American, they will say they are biracial. Press harder and four of them will say my father is American and my mom is from Zimbabwe but is also American now. The other one will say my father is Haitian and my mom is American. Like Obama they did have not inherited the belief they are victims and have not been taught that.
The recent progressive liberal ideology that tries to put every person into some sort of "identity box" is a major step backwards. It subjugates the potential of an individual to the demands of the group. One terrible example was a study that showed for many African American children studying hard in school is frowned upon by their peer group. If being a "white nerd" is bad, being an African American nerd is even worse... socially speaking.
Let's stop with the nonsense and get back to the simply truth... if you can be depended on and trusted and are willing to work hard... there is a good future for you... regardless of skin color.