Interesting how many of the far right policies were part of JFK’s Democratic party platform in 1960… so is the “far right” really the “far right” or has far left moved so far to the left, they don’t recognize their own policies from the past? Below are some excerpts from the Democratic Party platform of 1960.
Democratic Party Platform in 1960
National Defense
The new Democratic Administration will recast our military capacity in order to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general aggressions.
The Republican Administration has lost that position of pre-eminence. Over the past 7 1/2 years, our military power has steadily declined relative to that of the Russians and the Chinese and their satellites.
World Trade
However, the increase in foreign imports involves costly adjustment and damage to some domestic industries and communities. The burden has been heavier recently because of the Republican failure to maintain an adequate rate of economic growth, and the refusal to use public programs to ease necessary adjustments.
The Democratic Administration will help industries affected by foreign trade with measures favorable to economic growth, orderly transition, fair competition, and the long-run economic strength of all parts of our nation.
Industries and communities affected by foreign trade need and deserve appropriate help through trade adjustment measures such as direct loans, tax incentives, defense contracts priority, and re-training assistance.
Our Government should press for reduction of foreign barriers to the sale of the products of American industry and agriculture. These are particularly severe in the case of fruit products. The present balance-of-payments situation provides a favorable opportunity for such action.
Monetary Policy
A new Democratic Administration will reject this philosophy of economic slowdown. We are committed to maximum employment, at decent wages and with fair profits, in a far more productive, expanding economy.
Full Employment
The Democratic Party reaffirms its support of full employment as a paramount objective of national policy.
Discrimination in Employment
The right to a job requires action to break down artificial and arbitrary barriers to employment based on age, race, sex, religion, or national origin.
Sometimes its hard to see where you are… until you look back to where you were…