Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
The Clinton impeachment established that Americans do not care about “gotcha” prosecutions. Keep in mind with Clinton the case was ironclad that he had violated the law. The American people did not care and so the Democrats in the Senate felt emboldened to reject the impeachment conviction by the House. And they were right as Clinton was easily re-elected and Republicans suffered.
Mueller made clear he had inadequate evidence to support collusion and frankly most Americans think the “obstruction of justice” case makes no sense if Trump did not collude with Russia. While legally you can obstruct an investigation into a non crime, it seems pretty perverse to most people.
Furthermore, two thirds of Americans have concluded that the Mueller investigation is over. So why would Democrats in Congress actually go against the will of the people. It would be dumb and suicide. Instead, threatening and keeping the case alive without actually doing something keeps those that want Trump impeached involved and those that don’t satisfied.
In other words… politics…