In the case of Prince Andrew, rather than distract attention, the Royal family was quite public and came straight out and publicly disassociated itself with him, stripping him of his titles. His behavior was clearly deplorable and as thus unfitting of a royal.
"Prince Charles and Prince William are said to have been the main influence behind the Queen’s decision to strip Andrew of his Royal titles, Royal insiders claim.
Following a meeting with the two princes on Wednesday the 12th of January, Queen Elizabeth II reportedly made the decision to strip Prince Andrew of his Royal and military titles as well as his patronages, meaning he can no longer be referred to as ‘His Royal Highness’ (HRH),"
It is crazy to think you can call the Royal family racist and not expect a reaction. So why do it? What was the purpose?
If Markle had made the accusation of racism, provided documented evidence of such, and then refused on principle to accept any compensation "selling her story", since doing so would compromise her integrity and creditability, it likely would have triggered a different response.
But too much of her behavior comes across as a 2nd rate actress trying to promote herself at the expense of the Royal family.