In many ways, Trump's victory is a testament to the "Americanization" of many minorities. For many years, minorities voted as identity groups even at the expense of their self-interest and personal preference.
Conformity was the cornerstone of identity group politics rather than individuality. But this election a large segment of every minority supported Trump, married women supported Trump.
Trump support from young people of all races and ethnicities was surprising. Even members of the LBGTQ+ community supported Trump... but not because of their racial, gender, or sexual orientation, but because as individuals they felt Trump represented a better choice everything considered.
This expression of individualism was perhaps the most positive outcome of this election. Trump broke through identity politics and now the division in America tends to be ideological more than anything else.
Perhaps nothing helped Trump more than the attacks he endured from the powerful elitists of this country. By way of their attacks, they confirmed that Trump was not one of the inner circle of elitists trying to control the country. As one analysts pointed out with every lawfare attack, Trump's popularity grew.
For many minorities, who have spent over a century on the outside looking in... they saw a kindred spirit, who was subjected for different reasons to many of the same abuses they have suffered. One example of that is how much Trump's "mug" shots were selling among minorities.
The Democrats unintentionally redefined themselves as the party of privilege. If Trump delivers on his promises and his successor follows in his steps. Hardworking people don't want equal outcomes, they want equal opportunity and the chance to "win".