If you watched the whole Senate Impeachment trial, you realize that anything other than a vote to acquit Trump is a vote to censor free speech...
It is perfectly fine to dislike Trump, but never let your bias convince you its okay to deny another American due process and free speech. Because when you do, you lay the basis for someone to take away your rights and deny you free speech... it is called precedent...
As for the Republican party being fractured beyond repair... don't confuse wishful thinking with reality... The Republican party has always been comprised of various groups... tea party, traditional conservatives, Trump Republicans, evangelicals, etc. What brings them together is policy... not personality...
As for America as a whole, I think America is already having second thoughts about Biden and the Democrats in general. After promising bipartisanship, the Democrats have ignored it. That is problematic... not just to Republicans, but to independents that rely on bipartisanship to keep our country centered.
Obama learned this the hard way, just two years into his eight year Presidency, he had lost the country politically as reflected in the composition of the Congress even as personality continued to make him individually popular. But when he left office, his entire legacy dissolved since none of it was grounded in bipartisan legislation.