If you define groups as being on the "far right" because they are antisemitic, then by definition antisemitic groups are on the far right. But does that definition work when we are talking about Hamas? Or is it a self-serving definition.
There are antisemitic groups which as a classical liberal, I condemn. Once we begin to identify as members of a group rather than individuals, the natural progression is for "your group" to dehumanize the other.
Using the October 7th attack by Hamas on innocent women and children, they do not view their attack as one on individual innocent women or children, but rather an attack on Jews.
Whether the group is the KKK or Hamas, an attack on innocent women and children should be condemned. But as soon as that group claims justification for their acts based on the "group identity" of the victims, they are at some level embracing modern Marxism.
Part of the confusion in America is that we have "parties" not "independent" candidates. As such, various identity groups align with various parties. I think such behavior threatens America. I believe we are a country where people can have "differences" but that we should share the core values that define us as a nation... those core values are based on individual human rights, societal civil rights, and the idea that our nation should be striving to integrate (the melding of immigrants into one people over time).