Michael F Schundler
3 min readJan 27, 2024


"If we want to continue living in an open, diverse, equal and modern society, we must stop being tolerant." Keep in mind, no intolerant society ever ended up "open, diverse, and equal". So, you might want to reconsider your thoughts.

They are not new. They go back to the founding of America. The Founding Fathers were really smart and well-read people. Perhaps better than the vast majority of people today.

They also lived in a time, where autocrats (kings) ruled along with mobs (like Revolutionary France) where people that expressed the wrong point of view were killed for saying so (not to worry, it was for the greater good). Not exactly a paradise.

So, the Founding Fathers concluded that to protect people we need to do two things. Limit the power of government and tolerate different beliefs and values as long as people holding those beliefs and values did not feel they had the right to impose them on others.

In your examples, and I could provide you other examples, where you might support the someone forcing others to conform, the problem was tolerance but intolerance.

The Muslim who does not want to be treated by a female doctor has that right. They don't have the right to tell women they cannot be doctors or that other people cannot see them. That is how our system works. How are you really going to practically force someone to see a female doctor?

And what about when women don't want to see a male doctor? Would you force them to? I ran a large physician group, and a significant percentage of women want a female doctor, are you going to tell them that they can't make that choice? It was far more common for women to insist on female doctors, then men insist on male doctors.

Personally, I don't care. I want a good doctor and I don't care what "gender" they are... but everybody is different. As an aside, in certain specialties, it was far more profitable to hire female doctors because their practices would "fill" faster because of the bias of women to have a female doctor. I really don't see you getting far telling these women they have to see a male doctor.

You refer a lot to the "right", but the "left" is equally "dogmatic". Abortion is a great example. 80% of women believe that elective abortions after the first trimester should be outlawed. Men are more open to going beyond that time frame then women. 80% of women are not "far right"... so why do women on the far left, ignore their views and values? Are you arguing the far left should have the right to ban anything that they disagree with?

And that is why we were designed to be a tolerant society. Because no one has a monopoly on good ideas. However, in a tolerant society, good ideas have a chance to compete.

Bottom line, the Founding Fathers trusted Americans at a time they had far less education than today to make the right decision if the media were free to provide them all points of view (hence our Freedom of the Press). That is the premise of democracy. If you don't believe that, then democracy is doomed.



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