If Trump wins in 2024, it will be because the majority of people are upset and angry with Biden and so will welcome a change. That is how elections work. With respect to your list...
I think seven of first eight points will happen to some degree. But that is no different than past Presidents. In addition, those points are largely true regardless of which Republican gets elected and likely true if any Democrat other than Biden gets elected.
Regarding investigations. The vast majority of people are tired of all the Trump investigations and most believe they are politically motivated. I do think Republicans more than Trump will want their own investigations and they are likely to start next year, not when Trump gets elected.
I think they will be narrower than suggested aimed at rooting out abuse of power by Democrats in position to abuse their power. I want a thorough investigation and any politician that used their power to asymmetrically target opposition leaders should be fired and banned from government. Hillary is ancient history and no longer relevant. Biden may be the one person that gets special attention, since he failed to extend the traditional courtesy granted prior Presidents.
Trump won't use his power over the military to do anything to impact domestic protests or crime. That is fabrication. He will call on Federal law enforcement agencies to protect Federal property and assist if called upon for assistance in the event of domestic violence. His use of Federal law enforcement will pale compared to the current DOJ and FBI that has justified targeting political enemies including parents under the label of domestic terrorists. I think America is getting sick of this abuse of power by Democrats.
Interest rates are not exactly in control of the President, so that one is a bit of a stretch.
I agree that America is no longer in a position to fund the cost of global peacekeeping and is more likely to act in its own self-interest. That is true under Biden, he is not exactly "keeping the peace" in Ukraine or anywhere else.
Border security will be reaffirmed and that is a good thing. I think he will push for merit-based immigration, but I don't think he will have the votes to push it through. We do need to increase our legal immigration quotas once we get illegal immigration under control.
The chances of a civil war will actually decrease since under Trump, he is less likely to intervene in states' affairs compared to Biden. Progressive liberal states will sound like conservative states declaring "states' rights" as critical to American democracy (both parties assert states' rights when the other party is in power). Republicans are more likely to be sympathetic to those assertions, while they dismantle some of the Federal bureaucracy.
If Trump is elected, he will be a lame duck like Biden within 2 years. Starting in January 2027, Republicans and Democrats will begin the two-year dance to determine who will be President in 2028. The cries of the "sky in falling" is almost hilarious if so, many Democrats had not convinced themselves they need to take desperate measures that "undermine democracy" to protect "democracy".
Perhaps we should just get back to running this country as the Constitution contemplated including banishing parties by outlawing any national fund raising for any position other than President including Congressional seats.