If I were the Democratic speaker I would have laid out a plan similar the Republican plan under Newt Gingrich. Tell America what bipartisan legislative results you are going to push. Get them done quickly, promote the bipartisanship of the proposals by insuring co-sponsorship on the bills. Make Americans aware that you are trying to move America forward on a bipartisan basis.
Secondly, address the issues of the blue collar Democrats that turned against the Republicans by supporting better trade treaties and at least tougher employer penalties for hiring illegal workers especially if legal workers are available to fill the jobs. Make these historically loyal Democrats remember why they were Democrats.
Acknowledge that more jobs and rising wages are really important for the average person. Pass legislation that lowers the cost of health care to the nation as a whole (not just new taxes and subsidies) first, then propose how to use those savings to fund health care for those that cannot afford it. For example put in drug price ceilings and then put in a tax on patented drugs where the revenues would go directly toward funding health care for the poor as an example.
Show America that it is not all about power for the Democrats, which is what they are thinking these days. Show them as Obama said… “a future that most Americans can believe in”…