I would be embarrassed if a conservative talked the way some liberals do…
Think about how much intelligence and class it took to write something like the above. But lucky for this person and the many others who find yelling unintelligible obscenities as an effective from of debate, the conservatives exist and are committed to protecting their “free speech” rights.
Now for those “woke” liberals, I really wonder whether such language is “woke”…. is it okay to say something about one group of people and racist to say it about another?
When you look at a response, does it show a degree of civility due every person of every race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or party… or does it suggest language unacceptable in civil discourse somehow find legitimacy when used to describe someone with different political beliefs.
Fortunately, many of the more extreme liberals remain immature overgrown children that have not yet learned to “play well with others” that like them have a right to their own opinion and are not automatically dumb for not agreeing with you. It is why when you view their pictures they look so young.. because they are so young… Yes, you can call me a “boomer”, but I take no offense… because I have lived your life… but you have yet to live mine.
While it helps liberals feel better about demonizing conservatives call them homophobic and misogynist, the truth is these negative character traits are found among liberals also. Wasn’t Kamala Harris that accused Democrats of being misogynist. Of course Hillary labeled all Americans misogynist. I do wonder if my favorite candidate for President in 2024 at the moment (Nikki Haley) will trigger some intellectual angst among liberals trying to find a stinging insult for conservatives.
Like most conservatives I have met, I am what is called a classical liberal (someone who affirms civil and property rights).
Again like most conservatives I have met, I affirm that capitalism has proven the best economic system in that it produces the most goods and services and creates the most jobs which work together provide both the means to support a social safety net as well as the ability for nearly 90% of all Americans to escape poverty.
I also believe power corrupts and so the more power you concentrate in government, the more corrupt it will become. The Founding Fathers did an amazing job of designing a government with checks and balances but even with those checks and balances, it is important not to over concentrate to much power in the hands of bureaucrats for fear they get to comfortable using it against people.
I believe in a nation of laws where the laws must be consistent with the values of the country as spelled out in its Constitution and other founding documents.
And I believe our unique form of democratic republic government allows the “Wisdom of Crowds” to protect us from the biased leanings of any self selected group of “experts”. The reason Democrats are wrong is because they are Democrats. The reason Republicans are wrong is because they are Republicans. The reason our country is not screwed up because no party decides overtime how this country operates but through the wisdom of all the voters whenever our country swings to much in one direction and the bias of an individual party begins to take us down a “rabbit hole”, the “masses” elect someone from the party to bring up back.
These values lead to my personal rejection of progressive liberalism. Instead of appreciating the idea that opposing views produce the best government, they see opposing views as undermining their desire to move government in their desired direction regardless of what the American people think… all that matters is what they think. Thus the “Wisdom of Crowds” is rejected and replaced with the “Wisdom of the Party”… very socialistic and autocratic in its design. I simply reject that…
And second, my belief in civil and property rights. Under Progressive Liberalism rights are not rights they are privileges that the State can give or take back. The “greater good” as perceived by “the Party” is a good enough reason to suspend rights. And so while they call Conservatives all sorts of names suggesting they support autocracy… in reality progressive socialism demands autocracy to work… because as Adam Schiff said so eloquently… we can’t trust the American people to do the right thing…