I view successful black people as many things, but not as an existential threat.
At one level, I view successful black people as successful people, who prove that most people with talent, effort, and a little luck can succeed. To many people give up without trying.
Secondly, I view successful black people as role models. I was not happy with Obama's politics, but I was happy that he was a black man elected President. He won thanks to the votes of white people. It made a statement, like the election of Tim Scott in of all states, South Carolina, that most white people judge others based on factors other than skin color. I was equally happy to see more black people vote against Harris for the same reason. I hope someday skin color does not influence people at all in life, business, and politics.
Finally, I view successful black people as a success story of American society and values. Our goal as a society should be to achieve "diversity", "equality" (not equity), and inclusion naturally through integration, education, and shared values. The more success black people experience the more they see American society and its values as beneficial and the less the feel the need to identify as "black" and identify others as "white" and instead see people as Mary, Allison, and Stephanie, George, Rueben, and Mike.