I try not to get to nuanced. And unconfirmed largely partisan vote to impeach means squat to most Americans. And however someone is removed from the Presidency or Congress means little to the average American and requires a lot of print to clarify. I already suffer from being wordy…
That Trump will have the been impeached twice in one year along largely partisan lines won’t count for much, anymore than it does with Bill Clinton. People see through the partisanship. How often does anyone refer to Clinton as impeached. In contrast, Democrats have made Trump a “martyr” to many of his supporters and political force for years to come. Think of how powerful the Clintons were post Bill’s presidency. How did “impeachment” impact him?
Anger breeds stupidity and this impeachment was the epitome of stupidity. Personally, I hope Trump does not run again but uses his political capital to help raise up other politicians that support many of the policies that have come to be known as the Trump doctrine specifically those that target creating and protecting jobs for Americans as vital towards raising minorities out of poverty and contributing to our economic and national security interests.
Meanwhile having watered down the meaning of free speech, due process, abuse of power, and obstruction of Congress over the last year, the Democrats have set the stage for Republicans when they most likely gain the House in two years to engage in similar tactics. That could well make Biden a lame duck in two years.
The party holding the presidency virtually always loses seats in the following mid terms and given the thin margins already the odds are in favor of the Democrats losing Congress next election. Combined with Biden’s total lack of follow through concerning bipartisanship and this whole impeachment process did nothing but add more poison to the political divide.
With the numbers so close, expect the Democrats to try to stack the deck in the next two years… but I sense voters will see that and that will make them even angrier. I expect to see efforts to pack the Supreme Court and extend statehood to DC and Puerto Rico shortly… as part of those efforts. If those efforts trigger riots would be it be fair to say they “incited” violence?