I think Zionism is more than the Jews need for their own country. Zionism involves the return of the Jews to their homeland. Jews were exiled under the Ottomans, who replaced them with Egyptians, Turkish and Arab immigrants (who over time merged with some of the remaining non-Jewish Semites to evolve into the ethnicity we refer to as Palestinians.
The "Palestinian problem" is one created by the Ottoman Turks as their "Jewish" solution. To some extent, the "Palestinians" only claim to the land is that it was seized by Turkey and given to them in order to attract them to Israel and remove the threat that the Jews would rebel as they have many times in history in order to reestablish their independence.
Perhaps, in fairness to the Palestinians, the Turks should cede some of their land (rather than the land of the Jews) to the Palestinians so that they can have their own homeland and while the Turks are at it, they could cede back some of the land they took from the Armenians.