I think you give the "elite" of America more credit than they deserve. I don't think their goals are to destroy American capitalism per se, but I do agree they use their political power to create whole sectors of the economy where "crony capitalism" rules and they profit.
Capitalism is an economic system that history shows is the most productive ever devised and as such does more to lift people out of poverty than any other economic system be efficiently organizing resources of an economy to grown.
The horrible damage by Biden's administration show how incapable government is at managing societies needs, be it energy or baby formula. Large corporations these days do not have the "economic" barriers to competition they did in the past, so they rely on "political" barriers to competition.
What we are seeing presently is not the by product of capitalism, but the by product of government meddling and crony capitalism (which is not capitalism and more than progressive liberalism is liberalism).
The simplest way to reintroduce capitalism in its proper and most beneficial form is to reduce government's involvement in the economy to ensuring reasonable safety and environmental practices are followed and putting limited protections on intellectual property so companies an earn an investment on their innovation before releasing the IP to the general market (an example is how branded drugs migrate to generics). Companies receiving market protection from the government would have their prices regulated to a fair return unless they opted to be released from their IP protection and compete in the marketplace.
The biggest fallacy being spun by "class warfare" advocates is that the elite are organized. They are as organized as the poor. Spitting on virtually every political issue, the one thing they are all pretty good at is looking after their own self interest.