Michael F Schundler
3 min readJun 3, 2024


I think you confuse... "blind faith" with lack of choice. As a Christian and US citizen, I focus on which candidate is least likely to impose restrictions on religious freedom and as a US citizen I focus on which candidate is least likely to infringe on individual rights. As you point out, Trump has many flaws, but on those two critical issues, he is preferred over Biden.

The real question, you should ask is how could any strongly religious person support Biden? He and other Democrats were willing to run over the religious rights of people serving in the military, schools, and other places. Not good.

Mandates that do not accommodate religious freedom is scary. Biden and Democrats have done the same thing on health care. It is a different debate regarding whether abortions are legal or not, versus whether medically trained people must perform them or fund them against their beliefs.

As an American, who believes in human rights, the Constitution, and the various defining documents of this country's history, Biden seems to routinely throw those things "under the bus" when they don't fit with his idea of what is in the interest of the "greater good". Are you okay with that? Should people who are not "woke" be "cancelled" or accommodated under our religious freedom rights as long as those beliefs don't impact the beliefs of others? And yet our government under Biden has routinely run over the rights of others... lost in court... but by then the damage is done.

You seem to have your own ideas of what is in the interest of the greater good and seem fine with those ideas being imposed on other people. Perhaps a more "Christian" view is that God created "Paradise" and allowed Adam and Eve to throw it all away in the name of them having free will. He felt free will was so important, he was prepared to accept humans living in a less than perfect world. So, a Christian society is one where people can pursue their religious and hedonistic choices as long as they don't impose them on others... in the end God will judge... but that decision is his... not yours and not Democrats. So far, man's attempt to build the perfect society have really not turned out well.

That does not mean, God is happy when people sin, he allows it and yet you don't seem to want to be as generous as God.

You seem to want government to play God and impose itself on people as long as it follows your ideas of what society should be like. Of course, if it affronts your beliefs, then you will demand your rights. You either have them or you don't. If you have them, it comes with a lot of baggage, if you don't, it comes with a loss of humanity.

As for the afterlife and who you will spend it with, I suspect you like every other human has committed plenty of sins. Judge others as you want to be judged. Judge harshly and you will be judged harshly.

I agree your beliefs are your own... and that's fine. But aren't you saying at some level, you want government to impose your beliefs on others. Otherwise, how could you vote for Biden?

At some level, the attraction of "the apple" was that the snake promised us we would be like God. And isn't that what progressive liberalism is grounded in... people who want to create their own world and be the gods who determine how others can behave and think?



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