I think you believe the word "racism" is pejorative because it is used that way today. I use it to define anytime skin color is used to generate different rights and privileges for people based on the color of their skin. I have no problem with outcomes on a group identity basis not being equitable if that inequity is based on merit as is the case in many sports, if it is based on skin color than the outcomes are a function of racism.
You read way more into what I wrote, because you are looking at everything through the lens of color. BLM's goal is not racist, it seeks equal treatment not preferred treatment. Equal treatment is something I support.
Blacks or Asians suing for equal treatment is not racist. Suing for special treatment is. Your charity example is most likely an unintentional trick question. Up until recently some charities were exempt from discrimination laws if they could be classified as "affirmative action", it remains to be seen if that is still true... most likely not.
Where I think poor people suffer which disproportionately impacts African Americans is access to people that can teach them how to succeed. This is a serious issue. Being poor does not automatically condemn someone, but statistically speaking they are unlikely to be raised in a home that will teach the things you need to succeed, whether you are white or black.
I am unsure if anything has worked on a grand scale regardless of skin color. Affirmative Action has not, and multiple studies show that.
I don't care how you perceive me. That is not in my control. What I can control is treating each person as a human being, an individual, not a victim or an oppressor.
Have a great day and good luck.