I think you are so off base with your analysis that it seems you are unable to separate your bias from reality. or you simply are listening to bias media making you sound ill informed.
Nothing captures the insanity of left wing media then Lester Holt's recent announcement that the media has no obligation to cover the news fairly.
That tells you everything you need to know about NBC and many of the liberal news outlets.
Case in point... isn't editing a video that presents a different reality misleading and a disservice to citizens who rely on the news for the truth... without Fox how would people have known NBC edited the video? If you don't think that is important, then you have a serious problem with the truth.
Fox to its credit has an incredible selection of of guests and almost always includes one liberal guest to provide that other perspective. So conservatives get exposed to both sides of an issue. I don't dispute that Fox leans conservative but still feels the obligation to provide "the other side" of the argument. That explains while most viewers stick with Fox.
This article may help you to better understand how much you have been a victim of a false narrative... I used this link (socialist) since the source has no reason to support Trump or conservatives and its graphs are quite clear.
The link confirms that Biden won because he picked up more votes from "white people" even as he lost ground with all minorities even though he had a minority VP on his ticket. Black men, Black women, Latino men, Latino women, and other minorities all voted Republican in greater numbers than in 2016.
It is offensive and racist to suggest conservatives are white... and yet it is conservatives not whites that are Fox's audience. And that audience is increasingly people of color. So stop with the racist rantings against Fox and focus on the issues. The issue with Biden for most conservatives is pretty simply... they believe in a market based economy where the marketplace determines how goods and services should be distributed... Democrats believe in government increasingly determining how goods and services should be distributed. Much of the left's "race" agenda is more of an economic one wrapped up with a "race" wrapper in order to make it saleable to the American people... I think they are all starting to wake up to this... and the backlash in 2022 may be quite dramatic if the Dems can't figure out where to find the votes they need to replace the defectors...