I think you are confused.
I was not focused on western civilization or Christianity specifically. I was using that for illustrative purposes.
The point is any God/Creator no matter what you call this higher authority to the extent that the higher authority creates unalienable rights creates limits on government and societal power by creating rights unique to each individual.
What makes some cultures and civilizations different is they don't recognize a God/Creator and so there is no higher authority or in some instances God takes human form, like the Pharoh's of Egypt or Emperor of Japan. In some respects when "God" is the "head of government", it likewise eliminates human rights, since they are subject to change for the government headed by "God". Some religions believe God talks through people, like Catholics do with regard to the Pope or Islam and Mohammed, who are not the Heads of State. In those cases, these individuals create an alternative authority to government tied to God's authority.
So, where do you think authority comes from in society other than a belief it comes from God, the people, or the government?