I think Tucker Carlson is very specifically speaking out against children's hospitals performing gender "affirming" surgeries. And if I were CEO of a children's hospital, I would steer clear of doing them for legal reasons.
The position held by many in the medical field, is that gender affirming surgery should be limited to adults and only extend to their own bodies.
Many experts believe in providing children who suffer from gender identity issues non-surgical options to help them cope till they are adults believing that children are too young to make the decision and others not entitled to. Given this belief and the risk that the child is being misdiagnosed, the liability is simply too great to do these surgeries regardless of what anyone thinks ethically.
Lawyers have gotten in on the act and as the lawsuits pile up surgeons will be reluctant to do them, hospitals approve them, and malpractice insurers will be reluctant to cover them.
Gender affirming surgeries expose everyone involved in the decision to great liability in the event the minor determines it was a mistake and many do. Children are not responsible for their mistakes, that why we put adults over them.
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