Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 1, 2024


I think Trump claimed immigrants are taking jobs away from blacks. Illegal immigrants are competing for low wage and blue-collar jobs many of which are held by blacks.

He was not saying the "job" was "black", but rather the person who lost their job to the illegal immigrant was "black". I thought that was pretty clear, I am surprised you were confused. Trump said the same was happening to Hispanics, do you think he meant that certain jobs in this country are reserved for Hispanics?

Trump's comment is supported by numerous studies. If one considers an action or policy that has disproportionate negative impact on non-whites as racist (a theory behind CRT), then Biden's immigration policy is certainly racist.

I don't think Biden's intent is to be racist, I think his intent is to gain future voters for the Democratic party through some future amnesty program, but an unintended impact is to condemn many American citizens to poverty and dependence on the government.

Illegal immigrants entering the country come from all parts of the world and for the most part gravitate to the poor communities in our cities, that are disproportionately comprised of minority neighborhoods.

So, while the impact is being felt by citizens of all races, Trump's point was it is disproportionately impacting minorities.

But it is worse than that, illegal immigrants compete for the limited supply of low-income housing adding to the exiting shortage and driving up rents.

They contribute to overcrowding in public schools hurting the education of those who live in the same poor communities as illegal immigrants.

They are straining the resources of hospitals that disproportionately serve the poor, having pushed many towards bankruptcy.

They compete for social services and divert funds which could have gone to our nation's poor to illegal immigrants.

And since they don't qualify for federal entitlements, if they don't find work, they need means to support themselves. Where I live in southern California, that has contributed towards higher crime and more dangerously to gang enlistment (people don't realize "gangs" employ members and generate revenue in a host of ways including selling drugs).

Illegal immigrants for the most part are not evil (some are, but that is the minority of illegal immigrants), but Biden's policies are "humane", as more and more immigrants arrive, they are finding the promised opportunities are filled by those who came before them, meanwhile, they have exhausted their resources or borrowed heavily to get here. We need to stop this craziness before more people get hurt.



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