Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 22, 2022


I think this is more of cyclical than a secular decline in belief.

My favorite saying is "there are no atheists in foxholes". Meanwhile, I believe progressive liberalism with its embrace of anti God Marxist ideology repackaged under the label of "equity" is behind most of this erosion in belief. Why? Because fundamentally, Marxism and its reliance on "the state" does not play well with people's relaince on God... so one has to give.

Sadly, to few people bother these days and schools fail to present "the case for God", which has little to do with religion and mostly to do with science. The details is what religion is all about, not the broad concept.

I do agree "organized religion is in secular decline rather than the cyclical decline with respect to God's existence. Religious groups have been plagued with scandals that override some of the amazing humanitarian work they do.

Who can fail to admire how Good Samaritan Purse jumped into New York pandemic during the peak of Covid to set up a mobile hospital to care for the overflow Covid patients. After virtually every natural disaster, it is the faith based organizations that are first on the scene to help. These speak to the power of God to move people to good and the importantance of some level of organization to mobilize that response.

I was cared for this past week in a Catholic hospital for sepsis, the amazing dedication and commitment of health care workers toiling to make life better and to provide solace during dying process speaks to this underreported power of God to use institutions to serve His people.

So, while organized religion is likely to continue to decline, we should not fail to recognize these institutions that have been guilty of many transgressions have also been institutions that have blessed the lives of millions, more likely billions of people over time.

In summary, the belief in God as the Creator of the Universe will go through its cycles of affirmation and rejection, while the institutional church may need to go through reformation in order to serve the next generation of humans and to support their relationship with God.



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