I think the current economy is a taste of what happens when to you try to redistribute income. The stimulus checks redistributed about $5 trillion in income except we already had a barely enough stuff for the economy before that... the result is prices had to go up enough to soak up the $5 trillion.
Now had Biden figured out how to produce $5 trillion dollars of more stuff using affordable labor, cheap energy, and low taxes, then that $5 trillion would have raised standards of living of Americans until the money ran out. But somehow he never thought about where the stuff was going to come from... after all, he never worries about things are coming from... that is the something commoners worry about.
Elon Musk's wealth has almost nothing to do with "the poor". Most of his wealth comes from stock appreciation not even from profits on his products. And the profits on his profits largely come from upper income consumers. Understandable that greedy people want what does not belong to them and feel they have a righteous claim to it, but stealing even when the government is doing it for you, does not make it right.
Elon Musk's recent decision to vote for a Hispanic Republican woman sent progressive liberal tongues a flapping about how the "white Republican racist" was finally showing his true colors. Really quite sad, when a someone supports a Hispanic woman and is labeled racist because of it.