I think many of the Republican party "elites" have abandoned the GOP and are now Democrats. Historically, they were concentrated among the NeoCon members of the party.
The main dividing line between the elites and the "new worker" oriented Republican party is over protectionism vs globalism and over big government vs limited government.
Workers are more interested in tight border security, tariffs, and a focus at creating more jobs and higher wages, which require protection from foreign goods and cheap illegal labor. They want government protection at the international level, but not government interference in their daily lives with mandates and regulations.
The elites are insulated from the impact of imports and illegal labor and to some degree benefit from both. They also believe big government is a useful tool to support crony capitalism.
Since the Democrats continue to embrace globalism and the idea of the world coming under the control of an international body (an international version of the EU), it fits better with the ideology of the NeoCons of the past.