I suspect Ben's wife loves him and that is what matters most to him when it comes to female attention. In your own way, you stereotyped women and that is a form of woke misogyny. Women don't all believe the same things, and this may surprise you, but many women prefer the gender roles of the past (and many don't). The real point of feminism was not telling women what they should think. It was about allowing them as individuals to think and believe what they choose.
Abortion as an issue captures the diversity of opinion among women. Women constitute a disproportionate share of the more extreme opinions on the issue. More women than men oppose late term abortions and more women than men favor later term abortions.
Women's preferences regarding men are quite diverse. From size and shape to intellect and opinion. I know conservative women, that think progressive liberal men are snowflakes and I know progressive liberal women, that think they are "hot".
No one should try to "appeal" to "all" women for three primary reasons... 1) it is impossible, because women want different things, 2) being someone you are not, is extremely unappealing and 3) treating women as a monolithic group is extremely misogynistic.
I visited a commune in Texas around two years ago open to the public (my daughter attends college in the town) and there are over 1000 women residing there that want nothing to do with modern feminism, in fact forget the 50s, they live like they are in the 1800s and seem very happy about it.
I also have an Asian wife and four daughters that range from strong feminist to preferring traditional gender roles. The latter being one of my daughters, not my wife. None are stupid, with two of my daughters pursuing doctorate degrees, one finishing up college with an IT major and math and engineering minors, and the fourth the most feminist is a single mom and medical tech.
Funny how you think your views about what women want are accurate. Now for the most part while there is no such thing as "what all women want". I have found one thing that most women want and that is the right to make their own choices even if that choice is to be in traditional relationship (from the 50s) and not have others tell them they are stupid.
And perhaps that is the best thing about Ben Shapiro (though frankly I only hear a fraction of his podcasts, the theme is pretty universal). He has his own strong beliefs and values, but one of the most appealing core values is that he believes you have a right to your beliefs and values, and he has the right to disagree with you.
Wouldn't it be nice if progressive liberals would stop trying to cancel people for disagreeing with them or mocking them and start respecting their right to their beliefs as long as those rights don't infringe on their own. A truly sad development in the country today can be seen in the progressive liberal support of LGBTQ+ values on children. Children should be taught to respect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to have the values they have, but not taught they are "right" or "better" than anyone else's values, just different and okay.
In the last two decades, I have watched the majority of conservatives become more tolerant and way too many progressive liberals become intolerant. When someone disparages others rather than simply shares their views, it says a lot about them. Don't be that person.