Michael F Schundler
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


I suspect African Americans can detect a racist as easily as white people can detect an African American who is racist toward white people. It took me less than 30 seconds and I was only around 13 to realize I was going to get mugged by a group of African American teenagers as I was walking home to school and passing by the edge of their neighborhood. I was going to get mugged because of the color of my skin.

People project hostility whether it is because they don't like the color of your skin, the way you dress, the way you talk, your gender identity or preference, your political ideology, your religion, your culture...

People choose the dumbest things to get hostile over. My sense is that people who choose silly things to get hostile over have some deep seated feeling of inadequacy and that translates into anger and a desire to assert some kind of "unmerited superiority" based on a rather unimportant trait.

The quote in your article reminds me of what Biden said about Obama...

“You’re different from other black people, you’re articulate, you’re educated, you look more western…”

“I mean, you got the first African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,” Biden told the reporter.

Sounds like you labeled Biden as a racist...

But I must agree with your conclusion with one caveat...

"Realize that we are all human beings, that we are all equal, that we are all in the pursuit of happiness. Know and believe with all your heart that while we all inhabit different hues, in essence, we are all the same, and that there is no place for racism here on earth."

While I think what you said is true... as long as our country pursues identity politics as a political strategy the emphasis will be on what makes us different rather than what makes us the same. Time to condemn "identity politics" for what it really is... a form of "political" racism/bigotry designed to promote conflict between the so called different identity groups in order to seize political power. Racism is a form of tribalism. Tribalism is a powerful force especially among people who don't feel confident in themselves as individuals. Its time we encourage people to think for themselves and not let someone tell you what you should think for any reason but especially based on the color of your skin...




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