I supported an audit all money paid to Trump properties and if any of the charges were not necessary or exorbitant, the government should bill Trump properties for the excess amount, which they are entitled to do.
Given everything they are going after Trump for, my guess is that the government does not consider what they paid Trump businesses as exorbitant. But again, if someone could prove they were, then be all means bill back the charges.
Whether it is Obama, Pelosi, Biden or Trump, my standard it the same, reasonable and customary charges only. I would whole heartedly support the IRS conducting a thorough investigation with both Republican and Democratic leaning auditors of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Trump, Pence, Biden, and anyone else either side feels should be audited. Why have laws, if courts ignore them?
How about you?
Bankruptcies are a different matter. I did turnarounds for a living and in general I find the Federal courts act in the interests of the creditors in accordance with the laws. The big exception was GM where the courts screwed the bondholders in favor of union pension and US taxpayers in "the public interest" in direct violation of the laws.