Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 21, 2021


I received a troll response where someone disagreed (I won't mention their name) disparaging Fox.

Sad that such people feel the need to disparage Fox. I wonder how regularly they watch it in order to form their opinion. I wonder how often they go back and compare what Fox reported and what other media outlets reported.

As an example, go back and see what Fox reported on the Wuhan lab leak theory vs the liberal media.

Go back and see what Fox reported on the Hunter Biden laptop vs the liberal media.

Go back and see what Fox reported on the Mueller investigation as it was going on and what the liberal media reported.

Is Fox always right... no. But if you are not watching at least one conservative news outlet on a regular basis, you are a victim of media manipulation. If you are okay with that fine.

All of my news feeds excepts one come from non conservative news sources like Apple News, the BBC (to get the European take on the news), AP, MSN, and Smart News. Then I listen to Fox at night to get its take on the same news. I have no idea how liberals survive in their ignorant bliss calling Fox names while not watching it and not acknowledging they are getting their news from biased sources.

Even after many of the liberal news media outlets have admitted they "color" the news to reflect their viewers opinions, viewers somehow think Fox is bad and their sources are good.



Now to be clear, my comment regarding nearly all media outlets relate to news with a political angle. Most of them are far more reliable on non political news. And if Fox simply is not your cup of tea, then let my recommend the Wall Street Journal to balance the liberal bias you get from left leaning sources...



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