I must admit I am fatigued about the constant attacks on Trump, but even more than fatigued I am concerned that the Democrats believe it is okay to try to remove a sitting President without bipartisan support. It is clear they no longer trust the election process on which our democracy is founded. That suggests that they are okay with there being the one party in charge of the country with a second party to provide the illusion of a democracy. Delusional on their part, but maybe Washington has that effect on people.
I know many Americans that feel the same way I do. They may not love Trump, but they hate the behavior of the Democrats even more. They were lied to (as we were in my district by Democrats that promised if elected they would not impeach Trump but would work for bipartisan solutions. This sense of betrayal runs deep and I wonder to what degree these people are going to surprise the Democrats in 2020.
We expected the Democrats from our “swing” districts to push for bipartisan immigration reform, bipartisan health care reform, bipartisan infrastructure spending and bipartisan support for improved trade treaties like the USMCA. What we got was “impeachment” and no one serves the Democrats worse than Adam Schiff with his little gavel trying to present a “tragic play” rather than hold fair hearings…
Friday’s day long “how did you feel” session where the lawmakers of the country were trying to console a diplomat that was relieved of her position was disturbing at best. We all hope the best for this woman, but if she needs consolation she should be afforded some counseling and not paraded out as some sort of “victim”, does every American that gets on the wrong side of their boss get to go to Congress and express their disappointment at being let go? The whole proceeding set women back as the two featured woman on that day were either gaveled down by Schiff (gagging a woman on national TV) or shown to be fragile people (with Democrats hoping she would cry for even more effect). Really? Is that what Democrats think of women? Fortunately, for my girls both women showed themselves to have more character than Schiff.
So what the Republicans I know really think about impeachment is that the Democrats are impeaching themselves and that the vote won’t occur in the Senate but in the 2020 election. Are Democrats really prepared for the backlash?