I linked two articles that show Obama has not avoided weighing in on Trump or interfering with Trump's presidency earlier. So he might have tried, but he clearly failed.
I have already acknowledged that administrations borrow heavily from those bureaucrats of previous administrations. My point is that is not a good thing. Most political historians agree that the war in Iraq was due to GW Bush's "borrowing" of previous administration bureaucrats that had unfinished business with Saddam Hussein.
My problem is that career government bureaucrats become to distanced from working men and women. In the last week, Harris has told coalminers that can get employment as land minesweepers (I wonder if she knows the difference between a miner and an highly trained military mine sweeping expert?).
Meanwhile Biden wiped out thousand of jobs in New Mexico and Montana with the stroke of a pen. Perhaps all government bureaucrats involved in the decision should go without a paycheck until those workers find comparable jobs. My position is not political, but rather reflective of what I see living in California as a growing chasm between people that worry about government policies eliminating their jobs... and the bureaucrats that get paid no matter what.