I hope Trump does not run. But the media is making Trump relevant, and the Democratic use of government agencies to relentlessly investigate him looking for a crime makes him a martyr in the eyes of so many Americans.
If the Democrats have evidence of a crime, charge Trump and deal with the matter in court where so far citizens still are afforded due process under our laws. But no one deserves the resources being spent by our government and media to try someone in the "courts of public opinion" while looking for a crime to charge the person with. That is political targeting and Americans fear that behavior is the behavior of a fascist state.
Those of us that remember McCarthyism see a scary resemblance with all of the 'investigations" being pursued by the January 6th committee, that keeps expanding their investigation to more and more Republicans leaders. If it looks like an attempt to "purge" your opposition, then maybe it is exactly what it looks like.
The only thing worse than this deplorable behavior by Democrats would be if the Republican returned the favor when they get control of the House. And sadly, I expect they will.
You have it totally backwards. It is the Democratic party and the media that is making Trump into an American hero. Want to change things? Ignore Trump... don't investigate him anymore, don't cover him with the media. Instead praise people like DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, etc. But the Democrats could never do that... they think their chances are better with a "diminished" Trump... but in this case, the famous saying "that what does not kill you makes you stronger" may turn out to be true.
If Trump runs and wins in 2024, the Democrats and the media will be to blame. Ignore him and praise his potential opponents, if this is really about reducing Trump's power, but I think Trump is just the focus, the real goal is for Democrats is preserving their power.
Lastly, you sort of contradict yourself. Trump cannot be a "dumb S.O.B." and a "master manipulator". That is like calling a rocket scientist an imbecile. Trump is a smart, time to admit that. He is also a bully, a womanizer, arrogant, and a braggart. He is a narcissist. But calling him dumb is simply foolish on your part and those who repeat the foolishness. As someone once said, if a fool outsmarts you, what does it say about you?