Michael F Schundler
3 min readNov 19, 2024


I have written on this subject before, I am a big supporter of conservative feminism and strongly opposed to what you refer to as "toxic feminism".

How do you define the two? Conservative feminism is all about equal rights. It is an extension of the 60s civil rights movement, which focused on equal rights based on skin color and instead focused on equal rights based on gender.

Toxic feminism in my mind is also easy to define. It refers to women identifying themselves as members of an identity group trying to negotiate special rights and privileges uniquely for women in order to gain power and advantage. Rather than view women as "individuals" each having the right to "pursue happiness" within the confines of limiting their rights only when it infringes on others, toxic feminism operates more on a "group power" concept. So "reproductive rights" suggests the unborn babies have no human rights... rather than see the issue as one where both the unborn baby and woman have rights that conflict and need resolution, women promoting reproductive rights want to ignore the rights of the baby.

Then there are diversity issues. Why should female athletes earn the same as men, when they don't generate the same revenues that male sports do. Why don't women demand male models earn more than female models? In both cases, everyone knows the answers and it is not about gender discrimination, it is about "sales"... male sports generate more viewers (sales) and female models produce more revenue for the designer clothes that they model for (again more revenue).

There are some issues that are harder to define. For example, women serving in combat. I support the right of women serving in combat, but I also understand a soldier wants to be confident whether the person beside him or her is able to carry their weight in a fight. Neither the man nor woman should be there if gender is playing a role in that.

A real example is a police officer, I know. He is out on permanent disability along with his partner, because when they were involved in a confrontation, she was overpowered and he barely managed to save the two of them, but both were permanently disabled from the incident. Again, it was not a matter of her gender, but the reduced requirement implemented by the department to increase their female enrollment in the police. Requirements should be based on the job and not the gender targets of a diveristy program.

The reality is that most women I know are conservative feminists. They want equal opportunities not special treatment (since they inherently see that as unfair). But the small subset of toxic feminists seems to crowd the headlines of our media convincing people that most women feel as they do. They don't.

I am married to a very successful entrepreneur. We have four daughters and a son. Two of my daughters are working, one as a medical technician and the other in our business (hoping she will take over from my wife in a few years). The other two are finishing up their doctorates in Medicine and Nurse Anesthesia. Being treated as an individual without discrimination is the right of every citizen regardless of gender... jockeying for advantage based on group identity is "toxic" to society.



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