I have experienced people of all races that believe for one reason or another, their ethnicity or culture is "supreme" over others.
My wife's parents were initially upset that she was settling for a white man (she is Chinese). Some Japanese feel that way if their child marries a Korean. I have met Africans that feel that way if their child marries outside their tribe.
So now that we have establish that feeling superior is universal and not particularly unique to white people, let's look at the future.
What is true is that white skin (the function of multiple genetic mutations) is no longer necessary in a world that can produce vitamin D supplements. Evolution tends to breed out characteristics which no longer serve a purpose even if a small remnant persists.
Meanwhile, evolution will likely happen faster as genetic advantages arising in one place in the world will quickly transfer to the rest of the world through natural selection because the world has become more interconnected.
In the blink of an eye (a few hundred years), white people along with most races and will be replaced by new races that combines the dominant genes of today's races to better fit the changing world, one of those being darker skin.
My family is perhaps representative of this change. My grandparents and parents were white of German and English ancestry born overseas (one by way of Barbados). My grandchildren are divided between 5 African American (one that is 25% Hispanic and 25% African American) and two white children. Any future grandchildren will be Asian American (hoping for three more!). In other words, 80% won't be 100% white or 100% African, or 100% Asian, or 100% Hispanic. Only 20% will be 100% white to the best of our knowledge. Four generations and my family will be predominantly comprised of people of color and not even that, their color will come from the combination of most of the major races living on the planet today.
So, will "supremacy" be "a thing" in the future. Humans will likely find a way to identify themselves or some other group as benefiting over others. Presently, I see "class warfare" returning even as races begin to integrate as a way to promote division in our world.
Alas, humans will always find a way to set themselves apart.