Michael F Schundler
2 min readAug 3, 2022


I have a daughter that was living in Tempe, AZ for years and recently moved to Rochester, MN to pursue her PhD. Interesting thing, people are thriving in both places even though the average temperature swings are far greater than the global warming projected for the next 400 years.

Global green energy policies by governments are triggering a worldwide starvation and poverty. Millions more people will die form the "cure" than from global warming... and what's worse... climate forecasts are that none of the "cures" will work. Instead, for the foreseeable future, adaptation (which humans are incredibly good at) is the solution to global warming not attempting to "manage" the climate with centralized government polices.


I do support green energy technology and personally power my home and cars with solar panels here in temperate sunny California, so the point of this post is not that green energy is "bad", but government imposed green energy mandates are a disaster. Green energy makes sense where it makes sense, but it is not at the point where it is a global solution to any problem.

Let's get smart and stop issuing government green energy mandates and policies and invest in making green energy technologies so efficient that people naturally gravitate to them.

Did the government have to mandate people "buy" cell phones? Or was there a point when people simply gravitated to them because they made so much sense? The same will be true with "green energy" when we get there... but for now, we need "all energy" policies to keep the world from slipping back into poverty and rising starvation levels.



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