I guess you will be following up with an article about avoiding alcohol use...
After that you can follow up with an article to reduce the use of processed meats.
The decision to get vaccinated is a personal one (not one society should try to impose on people or bully people into, since in rare instances, vaccines have produced serious side effects).
I recommend people "at risk" get vaccinated, but people should talk with their physician when making the decision to understand how their personal circumstances might affect whether they should or should not get vaccinated. As the virus becomes endemic and with over 60% of young people having already had Covid based on various antibody studies, the need to get vaccinated may not be there as natural immunity is both better and longer lasting than vaccine immunity as natural immunity produces mucosal resistance to the virus and subsequent variants.
So, a young man has a 60% of already having had Covid and having natural immunity and scaring them to get vaccinated if they have not been already may produce adverse results and achieve no incremental benefit. Bottom line, don't take medical advice from people pushing an ideology, take medical advice from your physician.
As an aside, we should all be pushing the Biden Administration to move beyond at home Covid testing kits (which are a good idea) to giving Americans access to free antibody testing (a better idea) to determine if and when a vaccine makes medical sense. Thus, latter test may become a routine test performed alongside an annual physical until Covid mutates to a less severe virus.