I guess you did not read my response, given how off target your reply was. Why did you feel compelled to attack me and suggest that somehow my skin color was behind my response.
I did not say that Jefferson and Hemmings did not have a relationship. Nor did I suggest, it was not a sexual one.
If you read what I wrote, I suggested no one knows the character of the relationship or how it might have evolved overtime.
Clearly, at some point it became a loving relationship based on mutual attraction and affection. But how did it start and why did it start?
Some people argue Hemmings was coerced into the relationship others say she entered into it voluntarily. The first argument is based on the fact, that such master-slave relationships were common and often grounded in power. The latter is based on the fact, that Hemmings did not act as someone who sought to escape the relationship, since when given that chance, she declined.
The fact that there is no evidence that either pursued competing relationships suggests both were satisfied with the one they had with each other.
If Jefferson had chosen to marry Hemmings would both of them have been "cancelled" by the society of their day? Would they have had to remain in Paris or face violence at the hands of ideological zealots? Did they choose the only option that allowed them to live together and enjoy one another's company? We really don't know what went through their minds... unless of course you know a psychic that can talk to the dead.