I don't think you understand the concept of human shields... perhaps this might help you. When the Mongols were attacking fortified cities, it was common for them to round up the surrounding civilian population and send them ahead to soak up the enemy's arrows and tire them out. Nothing in the term "human shield" connotates the people willingly submit to being used as such.
Sherman said "War is hell" and he understated the reality.
After 9/11 the US invaded Afghanistan and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians going after the Taliban who were sponsoring terrorists.
The rules of war were designed to minimize civilian casualties and when an organization like Hamas fails to observe those rules, then sadly, while civilians are legitimate targets of retaliatory attacks they are not protected from collateral damage.
So, absent Hamas complying with the rules of war, many more innocent Palestinians will become collateral damage... call them human shields or whatever term you prefer.
There are only three possible resolutions to the current problem.
First, Hamas comply with the rules of war (unlikely given they are so dramatically outgunned by Israel).
Second, Israel degrades Hamas to the point they can no longer continue to function as a threat. This is the most likely outcome, and the one Israel is pursuing at the moment. As long as Hamas fails to operate according to the rules of war, there will be a lot of innocent civilians killed as collateral damage, there really is no way around this.
Third, the UN offers to install a substantial peacekeeping force in Gaza, who among other things will destroy Hamas and secure the border, while working with the Palestinian people to rebuild their economy and to install a government that rejects violence as a means to resolve their differences with Israel. This option will become more appealing to the Palestinians the longer the second option continues.
The above options are the only way I can think of that the war with Israel will be resolved. None of these choices will resolve the underlying political differences...
As humans we have tried to create rules to war to make them more humane, but unless both sides comply, they won't be. We have also tried to establish ways for peoples and nations to resolve their political differences, but when that fails war becomes the default tool of diplomacy.
I don't see any indication at this point that the Palestinians are prepared to accept the UN recognition of Israel as Jewish state in 1949. So, absent that, war will continue and if the Palestinians don't comply with the rules of war, one can feel sad for the innocent civilians killed, but that does not translate into condemning Israel for its actions, but rather Hamas for failing to comply with the rules of war.