I don't think there is any such thing as "opening prematurely" when it comes to timing. I do support the various health department in the various states establishing safety protocols and businesses and schools following those protocols.
Now while I am a proponent of wearing masks and was even when the CDC initially said not to wear them... it should be noted they are not nearly as effective as the media has made them out to be.
As we learn more and more about the virus, the conclusions are obvious... focus on protecting at the risk population and get on with life for the rest of Americans. I am in the at risk category and I expect for the remainder of my life, whether that risk comes from the flu or Covid, I will need to practice greater health safety practices than others.
Regarding your question on Biden turning coal miners into programmers... I was referring to earlier statements he has made and not the recent debate... here is a video of Biden stating such...
So as you see, I don't make up facts... but as a retired person, while my interest is focused on economics and health care, I am a conservative environmentalist... as such, I do not think a government driven "green energy" approach makes sense... rather I support technology innovations that that drive change in our society... I do support government funding research and I do support government sometimes offering transitional tax credits to allow a technology to reach critical breakeven volumes... but I oppose government coercion...
I run my house and both my car and my wife's car off of the solar powered electricity we generate off our roof (actually, I produced an extra $750 worth of solar powered electricity I "sold" back to the utility last year. But my choice was based on the fact, that solar power has come of age... I would hate to have been forced to make those investments if I lived in Seattle or Minneapolis.
I also support replacing traditional farm subsidies that encourage tilling and fertilizer and feed lots for agriculture with mixed use farming and ranching which requires no fertilizers and helps to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere (watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix if you have a chance). Bottom line, let's not confuse smart environmental practices that are good for all of us... with government mandates that are part of the problem.