I do blame Trump for the highways being crowded… I mean if he were going to add 7 million more jobs to the economy at least he could have got and infrastructure bill passed first to support all those people going to work.
We were well on our way to a society totally dependent on government. We half convinced Americans that anything they did, they didn’t really do, the government did it for them and that paying more taxes was only “fair”.
Then along comes Trump and he shows how capitalism could solve many problems including raising millions out of poverty and reducing the US poverty rate to the lowest in a long time. Interesting how capitalism is generating more jobs than we have Americans to fill them… and public funded education is failing to train people to fill those open jobs.
I am also upset Trump is stacking the Federal Courts with judges that believe their job is to rule on cases consistent with the intent of the Founding Fathers and not legislate social change from the bench to undermine the role of Congress. I mean we don’t want a Republican President abusing power, but if the Courts or a Democratic one does… well that’s okay. It’s for the greater good… even if the masses don’t agree…
I am angry that Trump does not realize how much smarter progressive liberals are than the rest of us. I mean doesn’t he realize that you can’t trust the American people to vote. Is he not listening to Schiff?
And of course, anyone that does not agree with the Democrats are guilty of the same crime the American people who elected Trump are guilty of… failure to recognize their betters… even the Senate is guilty of protecting Trump if they don’t impeach him, because they are allowing American voters to decide this November who they want as President rather than making that decision for them.
Who the hell really believes the American people can be trusted? I mean one quarter are deplorables and another quarter support candidates like Bernie Sanders which Hillary knows no one likes (well except for Bernie’s wife according to Bernie and she only likes him on good days).
I mean the list is endless… growing support for Trump by African Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups shows how easily the people can be manipulated by providing good jobs and educational alternatives? Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel smacks of anti Antisemitism only the Jews don’t realize it.
So we should all be grateful that Trump has revealed how dangerous he is. He is an obstructionist trying to prevent people from becoming part of a society that takes away their freedom and by promising them their minimal needs. Those same “wise” people telling the American people how they should live on average make far more money than those hardworking Americans and many of them take their living from the taxes those hardworking Americans pay… but they belong to a privileged class… called bureaucrats…
Now the truth, the Founding Fathers had far more wisdom than the elitists leading the progressive liberal movement today. They understood that the “wisdom of crowds” harnessed through an election system that put checks and balances into government would produce a Republic capable of standing for hundreds of years. Likewise they understood a government with to much power over the daily lives of its citizens would become corrupt and did what they could to avoid that power from being vested into any group of individuals or party. But the desire of bureaucrats to seize power is insatiable.
Today’s progressive liberal movement is nothing more than another assault on the idea that civil and property rights should be subordinate to the government. In the past, that translated into subordinate “to the king”, but today that means “subordinate to the party”. Every American should rejoice when Washington changes hands from one party to another and back again… it is the evidence that our unique form of government is still alive and working and that we remain a democratic republic…
To call the failures of the Democrats to remove Trump through a host of bureaucratic ploys as anything other than proof that our democracy is still alive is simply whining by those that want to take the freedom to elect their leaders away from the American people… yes, Americans should be grateful to Donald Trump…
I don’t like Trump, the guy, but I do like the fact that his policies are everything the elitists in this country oppose… and that is good enough for me… I trust the people to do the right thing through the election process established in our Constitution… and not some small select elitist group to not act in their own self interest, while pretending to “take care of us”.