Michael F Schundler
2 min readApr 14, 2021


I did read the title of this article. The problem lies in hinting that the problem is a “white” problem. It isn’t. And the solution starts with not identifying oneself based on one’s skin color.

One of the challenges we have is getting people to see beyond race. One way to measure our success is the degree to which Americans vote for candidates not of their race. They are seeing beyond race. So as we struggle to with this challenge which race was most likely to vote based on race and which race was most likely to vote on ideology and policies? This is a problem and it needs to change…

Can you imagine in this day and age that people are being told to vote based on the color of their skin… When Biden said to the African American interviewing him, that if he didn’t vote for Biden, he ain’t black. He was completely stripping that man of his individuality and declaring his skin color should be the driving determinant of how he votes. Disgusting…

I am angry because my multi racial family’s future depends on people seeing beyond skin color. We have gone “all in” on MLK’s goal of a country where people are judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. So how do we get there…

Morgan Freeman said in an interview once, the first step to reduce racism is to stop talking about it so much. And yet everywhere we turn people are focused on race.

When Biden first introduces his cabinet members not based on their qualifications but rather on which racial or ethnic group they belong to, it is pretty obvious this whole “woke” focus on race is doing more to divide us than unite us.

As an American should I care what race a cabinet member is or simply that the person will not discriminate and be competent regarding their responsibilities. But if “race” is the first qualification a person has… then what chance do those that are trying to make race obsolete have in doing so…

If someone experiences racism on wants to talk about it fine… but don’t generalize that experience… or soon every experience will be viewed through the lens of skin color… pretty hard not to judge people based on the color of their skin, if the message is everyone is doing it…



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