Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 21, 2022


I appreciate your cvil debate. Here is the Democratic Party Platform... Which provisions grant greater individual freedom, reduces the influence of the Federal government over people's lives, reduces the financial burden on taxpayers, reduces the percent of the economy under direct or indirect government control?


Inherent in the Democratic party platform is that more government can create a better society. A classical liberal believes the opposite is true. Often the goals of both progressive liberals and classical liberals are similar, the big difference is how you get there.

It comes down to do you trust, the people or the government. I trust the "ugly" masses over the elite.

Your examples:

CO2 emissions can be addressed in two ways. Government imposed sanctions and subsidies or more competitive products. I prefer the latter.

I began driving EVs and powering my home and cars with solar panels 9 years ago, because in sunny southern California they make sense... but forcing them on people living in cloudy eastern Washington state is dumb.

Health care...

"Single payor" health care, though it sounds appealing, it is not cheaper and it is not better. That is why more and more Americans opt for private Medicare Advantage over traditional Medicare. Interestingly, progressive states are leading the country in rejecting single payer health care in favor of private health insurance health care. Oregon is number 1 and California is in the top 5.

There is a role of government to "subsidize" health care for those that cannot afford it but single payer health care goes way beyond that.

Social engineering is a form of institutional racism... progressives are okay with racism if it achieves their goals of greater diversity... classical liberals would target poor schools and fix them or offer alternatives so that minorities can compete. The goal is the same, but the first uses government and discrimination to achieve equity... the second strives to address the underlying issues to make provide more equal opportunity to everyone. My Asian daughters and African American grandchildren have very different and opposite experiences with the racism behinid many of today's social engineering efforts. In a sense, Asian are being discriminated against not by "the market'" but by our government, because they are just to successful. Meanwhile, privileged African American children like my granddaughter are getting pursued by institutions seeking to make quotas. One is harmed and one is helped all based on skin color... is that really a better society, than simply trying to address the underlying educational problems of poor children living in poor communiites?



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