I am white, presently, my wife's family is visiting. I have no idea what they are saying. We have been happily married for 33 years and together for 36 years. Our children are mixed, none speak my mom's native tongue or my wife's, they speak English except for one who is fluent in both English and Spanish. So, how did we overcome tribalism... answer our focus was on shared values and culture.
Our values are classic American values, while our culture is very "new age" American (a mix of black, white, Hispanic, and Asian cultures). This week we went to a Chinese Noodle House, Hawaiian restaurant, a German butcher store, a Mexican restaurant, and In and Out burger. We listened to music from Asia's top artists, Taylor Swift (one of my daughters is a "Swiftee"), classic American rock, and some Rap. That is the beauty of America, our culture is amazingly flexible and is changing so fast people don't even realize how far we have strayed from "white European" culture. Our culture is not "white" anymore, it is American.
There are people terrified of change. The Amish are perhaps some of the more extreme along with Hasidic Jews. Others are less extreme but seek to preserve their "separate" identity and so they focus on wrongs done to them by other identity groups. But that focus will promote more wrongs in the future.
On the other hand, notice your use of the term "white". No one I know who I grew up around in the 50s every identified as "white". Italian, Polish, German, Jew, Greek, English, Irish, etc.... sure. All the time in fact, but never "white". People voted against Kennedy because he was an Irish Catholic. In 2020, Catholics voted against Biden because he was not "Catholic" enough and Protestants helped elect him.
I live in California where 25% of the population are descended from European whites and remain mostly European white from a genetic perspective (for those 2nd and 3rd generation citizens, there is very little to identify them as European white other than their skin color).
The fastest growing demographic group in absolute numbers are Hispanics and the fastest growing group in percentage terms is mixed race. So how do you think this story ends? If you believe the experts, California will be a Hispanic state by 2050, comprised of a new ethnicity which includes a far greater genetic contribution from whites, blacks, and Asians, than Hispanics from south of the border.
If we don't promote identity based on citizenship then its game over for blacks, whites, Asians, and any other ethnic group that does not identify as Hispanic.