Michael F Schundler
3 min readOct 20, 2022


I am white. Three of five children are white. My second wife is Asian, our two children are "half white and half Chinese. My three oldest children married (one divorced). My oldest son had four children with his wife from Zimbabwe. My second oldest (a daughter) married a Nigerian, divorced and had a child with a man from Haiti. My youngest of the first three, married a white man and has two "white children". My youngest two girls are half Asian and no matter who they marry, their children will be mixed race... I expect they will have 3 children for specific reasons. So, in the time span of four generations, my direct family went from being all white, to at best 20% white, 30 percent mixed Asian/White, and 40 percent mixed African/White, and 10% mixed White/Haitian (mostly African with some Hispanic). This is the reality of where America is heading.

America has its own unique culture and traditions. They are not tied to where we came from, but who we are. We are Americans, MLK and George Washington are both my heroes among many others.

First and foremost, in our family we totally reject the racially focused political strategy aimed at dividing us into identity groups, many of those groups are linked to race or ethnicity and pandering to our skin color pisses us off. Is my daughter-in-law supposed to vote one way based on her skin color and her husband another based on his?

We are Americans and want to be thought of as Americans. Our skin color does not define us, our values do.

We also love the fact that our country is the world's most successful cultural appropriator. We don't even speak our own language, we speak "English" (we took our language from England and proceeded to modify with our own new words as well as words from other cultures ranging from Japan to the Carribean.

We eat more Asian food than "American" food. I had Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, German, Texan, and Italian in the same week.

You mentioned "fusion" cooking, but it goes way beyond that. We are a "fusion" society. The new majority group is the same as the old one, both are American. As each immigrant group rolls in their historical values, traditions, and cultures become part of their family history even as they adopt American culture. My favorite are my Korean friends who have Turkey with Kimchi for Thanksgiving.

Trump's family is experiencing a similar transition. In the last generation his family has moved from being virtually all white Protestant to being substantially Jewish. It's silly to suggest, he does not relate to America being the melting pot of the world. But I do think Trump rejects the idea of a rainbow society comprised of diverse minorities all competing for their share of the pie and instead endorses the goal of assimilation where skin color and ethnicity don't drive politics. Trump did not reject African Americans, he asked them for their vote. Ditto, for Hispanics and in fact Hispanics have been migrating to the Republican party in mass mainly due to the transformation of the party by Trump to a "workers' party".

I do think the progressive liberals need to abandon the train of "racial politics". The "new Americans" get angry when politicians try to appeal to them based on the color of their skin. They want to be individuals and the more successful an individual becomes the more they reject this kind of stereotyping.

The party that appeals to people based as individuals is going to be the party that leads America into the future. The party that pushes for conformity based on identity groups is heading for the dustbin of history. We are likely to always be divided as a nation as we have always been divided. But over time that division will be based on ideology not skin color.



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