I am split between Haley and DeSantis, with Tim Scott third, and Trump fourth or fifth. If Youngkin throws his hat into the race, Trump would drop to fifth.
I like Trump's policies, but virtually all Republican candidates will pursue similar policies, but with less drama. I think Haley is the most qualified, DeSantis the most well-known. Youngkin is an up and comer, he should probably finish at least one term as governor before thinking beyond that.
I think of my list, Scott is the least qualified (never having served as a governor or President), but I think if he surrounded himself with strong people, he could do the job and more importantly send an important message to African Americans and other minorities that
Republicans are party of ideas and not identity groups.
The first step in healing our country is to make "race" and "gender" a non-issue in politics. I would love to see a single election where race and gender were not mentioned, and the focus was purely what would someone do if elected.
Now here is a backhanded compliment to Hillary Clinton, who I never liked. To her credit more than most, she did outline her positions clearly for anyone that bothered to read them. On the other hand, Obama deliberately hid behind "change you can believe in" with never defining what the change was.
Whoever gets the nomination, I hope we are not surprised as many were with Biden between what they said on the campaign trail and what they did in office.