Michael F Schundler
4 min readApr 19, 2021


I am perfectly happy if all the racists in this country vote Democratic. The Republican party rejects racism, it is inconsistent with their ideology of equal civil liberties.

Progressive liberals embrace a form of racism in the ideology that advocates systemic racism is okay, if it used to fix past historical systemic racism. Let’s use a simple example before you deny this…

The City of Oakland, California is rolling out a program called Oakland Resilient Families. To qualify, families must identify as Black, indigenous, or people of color (POC) and must be earning at or below 50% of the area median income. So if a white family would qualify based on every criteria other than skin color, they won’t qualify. Imagine a similar program where to qualify you must be white. How can one program be racist and the mirror opposite not? No matter how you rationalize it… it is racist by definition unless you try to change the definition.

Another example, Democrats have repeatedly tried to reinstitute Affirmative Action in California. The last time was last November.

Proposition 16 to restore affirmative action is on the California ballot (foxla.com)

There is an argument to be made for and against affirmative action, but whether you are for it or against it, it is a form of systemic racism. Those that favor it, believe systemic racism is the only way to reverse years of systemic racism that went the other way, those that reject it believe you can’t fix racism with racism.

If you reject using race to discriminate for POCs as well as against them… then I apologize for inferring you might be racist… but these days it is hard to find Democrats that oppose using racism to fix racism. Something I reject.

Regarding my grandchildren, the older ones are all uncomfortable with the ideology of BLM, they read its original Marxist manifesto when it was posted by BLM especially the oldest one. Did you? In fairness, kind of hard to accept BLM’s manifesto when your father is white.

My oldest grandson has explored the whole racial justice argument today and rejects it. He devours everything he can find regarding politics and economics. Being locked up during the pandemic, he has been able to consume hours of YouTube videos by various political and thought leaders. His African American heroes are well educated and rational thought leaders like Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder.

What Does ‘Black Lives Matter’ REALLY Want? | Larry Elder — YouTube

Thomas Sowell Was Right about BLM! — Bing video

If you name an African American thought leader my guess is he will know who they are. Even the ones he rejects.

I don’t know if he has listened to Shelby Steele on BLM, but you should.

Shelby Steele on Federalist Radio Hour: #BLM Is An Outgrowth Of Victim-Centric ‘60’s Liberalism — YouTube

Clearly, African Americans are not in agreement with the direction this country should go… or BLM… though you have to love the slogan. Liberals have been much better at “branding” than conservatives…

I don’t believe in censorship and I support your right to express your opinions and I hope you feel the same way. The goals of debate are to help people understand where each person is coming from.

Opinions are usually the result of one applying their values to an issue as well as applying what facts they know to an issue.

If you and I hold opposing values on an issue, then we are not going to agree… but if we simply have different facts, then it is possible we might.

I believe our nation is heading down a road where either we need to create a means to allow incompatible values to co-exist or we will split or we will go through an extended period of violence until one ideology or the other is crushed. Not since slavery, has our nation been so divided.

Our Constitution has a mechanism to handle this… developed at our founding. Limit the Federal government to facing outwards and reconciling interstate trade issue and allow states to have their own separate cultures as set forth by Article X in the Constitution.

Instead, politicians seem to want to impose their ideology on the whole nation… even when majorities in other states have no interest in those ideologies. As a result, every time control of the Oval Office changes we are bombarded with sweeping executive orders pulling the country in one direction and then back in the opposite direction. And states filing lawsuits and refusing to apply Federal law or executive orders.

Meanwhile our streets are increasing filled with violent and not so peaceful protests. How long before these already violent protests escalate to even more open civil unrest. I live through the 60s, we don’t need a repeat.

Both California and Texas considered proposals to secede from the union last year. Those two states could not be farther apart politically and yet both find the Federal government intolerable depending on who is in the White House. That is a problem.

Let’s get Washington out of our daily lives and let the states develop the rules for their states. If you love progressive liberalism, there will be a state for you. If you prefer more traditional American values, there will be a state for you. If you prefer a hybrid, there will be a state for you too.

I only wish California and Texas could change ideologies, because I do love the weather here… but if things get worse… I can just follow the well worn path of people and companies moving to Texas.



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