I am not trying to convert you. I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. Your conversion should it ever come will be between you and God.
But whether you believe in God or not, does not change whether He exists or not.
Nor does it change the fact that God gives us the freedom to choose. That freedom to choose in pursue happiness is a core value of our nation. We also bear the consequences of those choices. Unlike socialism which promotes equity of outcome where a person does not suffer the consequences of their choices... in our country, you make your choices and to a large degree live with the consequences.
God is Lord over the world, but perhaps the most benevolent "King" that ever lived giving you an entire life to spend as you choose and then based on that life and the choices you made, allowing you to live with them forever. You seem to want God to serve you and provide you your heart's desires free of any consequences. That might be nice, but it is not the case.