I am glad you feel safe, but keep in mind that crime rates in Germany are soaring. Violent crime hit a 15 year high in 2023 and was up 5.5% from the previous year and 10% from pre pandemic levels.
Meanwhile, a government report cited that one in six children in German schools is regularly bullied. So, perhaps it is the "small town" you live in and not the country that accounts for your sense of safety.
That said on an absolute basis crime is lower in Germany than in America. Many studies confirm the more "diverse" a society is the more crime. violence, and bigotry it experiences.
Not surprisingly, as Germany becomes more diverse, it is inheriting the same problems we face in America.
Diversity is a good thing, but it leads to more distinct "identity" groups that often come into conflict with another starting at a young age.
Schools need to focus on teaching individuality, tolerance and citizenship, children who identify as individuals feel less pressure to conform or to force others to, tolerance is the only way to for diversity to work and belonging to something bigger than a narrowly defined identity group
based on ethnicity, gender, religion, or preferences creates an "umbrella" where everyone can be accepted instead of "cancelled".