I agree the world functions best when people specialize in different fields and can then bring their knowledge to bear on areas that they have particular expertise in to produce desired outcomes.
I am concerned that increasing business and government is attempting to dictate scientific outcomes in areas like global warming, medicine, diet, etc.
There is a fine line between using the "power of the purse" to focus scientists on solving problems and using it to manipulate their findings.
The word "proven or accepted" science is an oxymoron. Science is about questioning orthodoxy to expand our knowledge, not defending orthodoxy against real science. If in challenging orthodoxy the results support the current understanding... great.
Using diet as an example, imagine how many people are dying prematurely or have died already because our government and the food industry largely collaborated to promote carbohydrates and, in some instances, processed carbohydrates as the cornerstone of a person's daily diet to "fuel" their bodies.
Only when metabolic disease began exploding among advanced societies did someone bother to question the previous food industry and government funded science to find out that the earlier science was being manipulated to produce the diet recommendations that have existed now for almost 80 years.
Finally, independent scientists broke through highlighting that low carb diets whether vegan based or keto based produce far better outcomes.