Michael F Schundler
2 min readJul 26, 2020


How many billionaires do you know? How many of their life experiences did you anaylze in detail. Would you differentiate between the billionaire that makes their billion in sports or entertainment as a performer from the billionaire whose vision creates a company worth billions of dollars.

How does you conclusion differ if the billionaires "overpay" their employees compared to what they would normally earn and still creates a product so valued there are billions left over for him the owner...

If I am a janitor working at Google and I earn more than a janitor working at say Ford, do I really deserve to be paid ten times more than the janitor at Ford because my company makes so much more money... Is my employer taking "advantage' of me even if I am paid more than I can earn anywhere else...

You infer "profit" comes from "stealing from workers". That is such an old school socialist concept that I thought young modern educated people had outgrown in this new knowledge economy.

If you apply for five jobs and they all make you an offer and each of the job offers include different duties and different rates of pay... is the employer paying you the most underpaying you... and the other employers underpaying you be even more?

If a gifted physicians earns a million a year doing complex brain surgery, is he or she cheating the medical assistant earning $30,000 a year answering the office phone?

Your whole premise is backwards... no one makes a billion dollars underpaying people... if you make a lousy car, no matter how much you underpay someone you won't get rich selling cars.

There are people that "cheat" other people and they come in all flavors. But my experience having know a few billionaires in my time is that they perfect a "business idea" that millions and sometimes billions of people want.

No one forces me to watch overpaid adults/employees/athletes compete in a game like professional football. I don't even pay to watch the sport. But advertisers pay the media outlet that pays the sports owner so those advertisers get a few minutes of my time to explain why their product is so good. So who is being "abused"?



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